BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.A. provides employees, collaborators, business partners, suppliers, and other stakeholder with the opportunity to report possible irregularities committed by members of the organisation that may seriously threaten the company's reputation.

The purpose is to enable the Company to deal with the reported problem as soon as possible, making risk or damage situations known thus contributing to the prevention and combating of possible wrongdoing.

Through appropriate channels and methods that guarantee protection and confidentiality to the reporter, all stakeholders can thus contribute to combating illicit behaviour and spreading the culture of ethics and legality.


Whistleblowing is a tool that allows employees or third parties (e.g. suppliers) to confidentially report any wrongdoing encountered during their work activity.

The whistleblower is the person who detects an illicit act/omission or irregularity in the workplace, during the performance of his or her duties, and decides to report it to the company or entity to which he or she belongs or to an authority that can act effectively in this regard.

The whistleblower is protected by law. For more information, we recommend that you read the "whistleblowing policy", which is available on the Internet.

How do I submit a report?

The Segnalazioni.net system provides for two modalities that can be present at the same time or not, based on the choices of the Responsible for Whistleblowing:

Registered User: you create an account through which you access your reports with your username and password (chosen by you). In this case, your identity is available to the Responsible recipient, but is separate from the report and hidden.

Unregistered User: create the report and access it through the codes issued by the system. Keep your code and password safe because if you lose it, you will no longer have access to your report. If you have provided your first and last name, your identity will remain hidden but only accessible to the recipient of the report. If you prefer to remain anonymous, if this is the case, do not provide references that could lead to your identity. If you attach files, remember to check that they don't contain any references to your identity, even within the metadata. If requested by the Responsible, you can communicate your identity later through the message area.

Who handles my report and how does it handle my report?

Normally, the report is handled by the Responsible for Whistleblowing, who may consist of one person (e.g. the RPCT for public sector entities) or a dedicated autonomous internal office consisting of one person (e.g. the Legal Office). For further details, we recommend that you read the whistleblowing procedure available in the procedure section.


 If you are a REGISTERED user or you have indicated your email address as an UNREGISTERED USER, you will receive an email notification in case the Responsible wants to request further information or clarification from you. If you don't receive any notifications, check your spam box as well. In any case, we recommend that you periodically access your report to check directly if you have any requests or simply to consult the processing status. It is recommended, for confidentiality reasons, not to use a business email address.

How can I integrate the report?

After submitting the report, you can integrate it by accessing the report itself and entering a message in the "messages" area.

What facts or acts can I report?

There is no exhaustive list of illicit conducts or irregularities that may be the subject of whistleblowing. Within the report form you will find a list of topics, use one of these. For further explanatory details of the potential subject of whistleblowing, you can consult the whistleblowing procedure available in the procedure section. It should be noted  that whistleblowing does not concern complaints of a personal nature of the whistleblower and that the list of issues proposed within the report form is merely illustrative and it will therefore be the responsibility of the Responsible for Whistleblowing to provide for a correct classification of the reported illicit conduct or irregularity.

How is my identity managed?

Reports and the identity of the Whistleblower are highly confidential. The software hides the identity of the whistleblower. In any case, access to the identity of the whistleblower is granted exclusively to the Responsible for Whistleblowing, through a security procedure, which records access to the identity, with a request for the reason. In the event that the Responsible for Whistleblowing has viewed your identity, you will be informed by the platform via an alert. The system does not use log systems that allow the identity of the person who submits a report to be traced.


If the conditions are met, the Whistleblower may make external reports through the reporting channel made available by ANAC, the National Anti-corruption Authority, which can be reached at: https://whistleblowing.anticorruzione.it.

This right is recognized if the following conditions are met:

  • there is no mandatory activation of the internal reporting channel within the Whistleblower's work context, i.e. this, even if mandatory, is not active or, even if activated, does not comply with the provisions of art. 4 of Legislative Decree no. 24/2023;
  • the Whistleblower has already made an internal report and the same has not been followed up;
  • the Whistleblower has reasonable grounds to believe that, if it were to make an internal report, it would not be followed up effectively or would entail the risk of retaliatory conduct;
  • the Whistleblower has reasonable grounds to believe that the breach may constitute an imminent or obvious danger to the public interest.


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