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  • Category: Cosmetic products for perfumery shops, Natural & Organic products, Professional cosmetic products for beauty salons & Spas, Cosmetic products for pharmacy shop, Product development, Services
  • Distribuited by: UVIA BY PLANBIO COSMETICS
  • Hall: 14 | Stand No.: A/19
  • Opening dates: From 21 to 23 March 2024

Planbio Cosmetics, an innovative start-up 100% Made in Italy, operates in the research and development of innovative cosmetic products derived from circular economy and natural extracts. The company holds the UVIA brand. UVIA is a patented, natural Premium skincare brand, enriched with highly effective organic extracts. The entire product line features organic extract from Nero di Troia grape pomace in a functional concentration, aiming to provide benefits and longevity to our skin cells. Our extract is abundant in active functional molecules targeting imperfections and key inflammatory processes affecting our skin. Additionally, starting from January 2024, it has become the subject of university studies in the fields of Oncology and Dermatology.

The entire UVIA line is special, thanks to the incredible performance of the patented extract of Nero di Troia grape pomace. Every year in Autumn, following the grape harvest, at the cellars of selected organic vineyards in Puglia, we meticulously collect our precious grape pomace. We store it in a chamber at a temperature of 20 degrees below zero to reduce bacterial load and prevent contamination. The extraction method is also unique, as neither alcohol nor high temperatures are used. This is done to preserve all the properties of the extract, just as Mother Nature has given it to us. Thanks to this delicate "circular economy" process, we obtain an extract highly effective against imperfections, wrinkles, and pollution. From these foundations, we embarked on bringing our elixir of longevity to the market!

Certificates: Disponiamo di studi universitari: - Report tecnico del dip. di Chimica - Università degli Studi di Bari sull'attività antiossidante dell'estratto biologico di Vinacce del Nero di Troia - Studio in vitro del dip. di Farmacia - Università degli Studi di Bari sull'attività protettiva dall'infiammazione dell'estratto biologico di Vinacce del Nero di Troia

Distribution: NAZIONALE; INTERNAZIONALE Medici estetici

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COSMOPROF WORLDWIDE BOLOGNA - Made by BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a. - Registered office: Via Maserati 16, 40128 Bologna (Italy) - R.E.A. 1766978
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