• Product category: Natural cosmetic products for professional use
  • Distribuited by: SH COSMETICS GROUP
  • Hall: 22B | Stand No.: 31
  • Opening dates: From 21 to 23 March 2024
Launch Product N-BTX TREATMENT KIT image

It is a professional kit consisting of F1 N-BTX Serum, F2 N-BTX Powders, and F3 N-BTX Solution designed to be applied to wrinkled and insufficient elasticity areas. A special treatment activates the muscle fibers from the inside tightening and toning the skin and as a result providing a significant increase in skin elasticity and powerful facial lifting effect.

The inception of our product/solution was significantly inspired by the transformative effects of Botox, a marvel in the realm of cosmetic enhancements. Seeking to emulate the remarkable results of Botox injections, we were particularly inspired by ACETYL HEXAPEPTIDE-8, a molecule that mirrors the mechanism of Botox, offering a non-invasive, yet profoundly effective alternative. This inspiration led us to create a product that embodies the essence of applying Botox, aiming to deliver comparable rejuvenating and anti-aging effects without the need for invasive procedures. Our goal was to encapsulate the benefits of Botox in a form accessible to everyone, anywhere, making the pursuit of beauty both safe and attainable.

MICROCAP SYSTEM The N-BTX line applies a microcap system, which allows to gradual release of anti-aging specific active ingredients and continuously distributes them. overall skin layers. The world's patented microcap system is a method that wraps the effective ingredients in a liposomal sphere (sphere-shaped) to prevent them from being destabilized and destroyed. The microcapsules are stabilized without chemical modifications, and this maximizes the effect by releasing the active ingredients deeply into the skin without breaking them, and with time it maximizes the effect.

#botox #lifting #homecare

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