NEWS > 11 June 2020

Proud to be a great network!

In these months we have been giving visibility to numerous beauty companies that have stood out for their prompt commitment to face the emergency derived from COVID-19 pandemic. 

A global pandemic that is rapidly changing both our habits and the rules of the global market. However this hasn’t changed the traits of beauty companies: ready to change, innovative, creative and community-oriented - and we are proud to be their witness. 

Here are more examples of the special projects implemented by Cosmoprof network’s exhibitors supporting their own communities and the whole beauty industry. 

Beauty does not stop!

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Veoli Botanica

Veoli Botanica has played its part in fighting COVID-19 by supporting healthcare professionals and hospitalized patients, in particular it has provided Warsaw Institute of Mother and Child in Poland with 430 antibacterial products for daily skin care and protection. The products donated are part of their new vegan line called CLEAN AND CALM, launched just last April; antibacterial cosmetics for hands’ care and protection that perfectly embrace their corporate mission: social responsibility for health and for the environment. 

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Helen Seward

Helen Seward, an Italian company specializing in professional trichological products, has created Seward_Med, a brand dedicated to personal hygiene and protection, thus being able to adapt to new market and customers’ needs and produce a new line based on a biomimetic polymer in a very short time, which is the ideal solution for cleansing and sanitizing all skin types, even the most sensitive ones. Once again we can state that beauty and technology form a perfect duo. 


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Swiss Beauty Point

Swiss Beauty Point has created The Faceprotector, a personal protection device for beauty professionals that can be easily cleaned and disinfected and ensures good breathing. It is made of extremely robust PET and can be also worn with your glasses on. It is handmade in Switzerland to guarantee safety and serenity to all the beauty professionals that are back to work!

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Geoskincare believes that the world will be a better place if people have hopes for the future. In order to fight the Coronavirus, the company based in New Zealand has started cooperating with the pharmaceutical industry to respond to the lack of disinfectants. Like other companies in the beauty industry, Geoskincare feels a sense of responsibility in providing support and fighting this pandemic; therefore they have supplied face masks, antiseptic products, and thermal-spring essences to help doctors and nurses on the front line in USA.


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Anita's Aromatics

To face the COVID-19 emergency, Anita's Aromatics has converted its production to primarily create sanitizing products. They are committed to supporting all the professionals working in beauty salons with the best hygiene solutions and the most innovative disposable kits. 

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