NEWS > 22 febbraio 2021

The secret to the evolution of the beauty industry? A sustainable supply chain

The beauty industry has proven to be one of the segments most capable of adapting to its social and economic context. On the global level, the McKinsey & Company report estimates that the beauty sector will return to 2019 revenue levels as early as the end of the year, an objective that other industries, such as the fashion industry, will not achieve before 2022. One thing seems certain: the rebound will be driven by new values related to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.

A necessary decision: the European Union, too, has determined that the green revolution must drive the development of the economy in the near future, with the objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. 

The cosmetics industry boasts numerous examples of companies that are particularly environmentally friendly at every step in the supply chain. Companies that specialize in formulations, packaging suppliers and subcontractors are reviewing ingredients, raw materials, and manufacturing systems with a special focus on their environmental impact: low-emission manufacturing processes, systems to reduce the quantity of packaging materials, new packaging materials. This clear and transparent undertaking is an act of responsibility toward the consumer and is based on the high level of research and innovation that the industry displays edition after edition at Cosmopack.

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INDUPLAST PACKAGING GROUP (InduPlast S.p.A., Vexel 74 S.r.l. and Verve S.p.A.) are actively engaged in the green education and transformation of suppliers, producers, brands, and consumers. Their range includes Green PE, with ethanol derived from sugar cane rather than petroleum. Green PE is a bioplastic obtained from renewable sources. It is recyclable and captures CO2 from the atmosphere during production, as opposed to releasing CO2. The company also offers high-quality mono-material packaging and containers made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic, which can be reused in other ways. Giving plastic a second (or even third) life is the direction taken by Induplast Packaging Group to trigger a virtuous cycle in the circular packaging economy that can have a positive impact on the environment.

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FUSION PKG, headquartered in the United States, focuses on the development of and advocation for real solutions that address the real problems. Their mission in sustainability is the reuse of existing materials and the search for alternative solutions for virgin plastics, to further the development of the circular economy in the US market. As one of Fusion’s most sustainable options, their airless packages preserve the quality of the product from the impact of external agents, aligning clean beauty with sustainable materials. In addition, their sustainable, clean beauty ready airless packages deliver high-performance evacuation which limits product waste. With significant investment in various green options, from plastic to glass and paper to bio-resins, Fusion is poised to drive the industry toward more circular solutions for every brand and consumer.

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ART COSMETICS has implemented specific actions over the years for a 360° approach to sustainability. The headquarters were build using biodynamic cement, with systems that reduce the use of energy obtained from fossil fuels: part of the energy is produced by solar panels, which spared emissions amounting to 80 metric tons (CO2 equivalent) in 2020. Raw materials are processed through sustainable supply chain processes, which also includes economic and technical support. The packaging used is obtained from suppliers who guarantee the absence of child labor, and the cardboard is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified. With this strategy, the company was able to respect the principles of green chemistry to produce its Natural Halo Foundation

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MYC PACKAGING INNOVATION, a business born in 2012 that combines the Chinese work ethic and Italian creativity, offers a vast range of easily recyclable single material PP and PET solutions: the use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic allows for emissions to be reduced by 25% compared to virgin plastic. The 100% PET Essential and 100% PP lines, both available with PCR content offer sticks and compacts in different formats – for face, eye, lips, and multipurpose products. The company also offers solutions that use recycled plastic gathered from the ocean: an additional demonstration of MYC's tangible effort for the sustainable evolution of the industry. 

At Cosmoprof sustainability is not a trend, it is reality: keep following us to learn about more planet-friendly brands and companies!

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