NEWS > 22 November 2021

To each man his makeup

Trend experts have been tracking cosmetics for men and related consumer habits for several years now. From products for beard and hair care to skin care products designed for male skin, the male beauty case features a growing number of tailor-made solutions. Just a few years ago eyeshadow and eyeliner were the exclusive domain of the most creative celebrities, a “theatrical look” that only David Bowie or Elton John could wear.

These days the scenario has changed completely: makeup is increasingly a vehicle of self-expression, especially for young adults. Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna couldn't ignore the trend: we interviewed Chantal Ciaffardini, the makeup artist for Måneskin, a young Italian rock band that has performed on the most prestigious international stages over the past few months.

To each man his makeup image 1
To each man his makeup image 2

Chantal, thanks to Måneskin, makeup for men is now one of the most interesting trends in the sector. Do you think the trend is limited to music and movie stars?

Not at all! Just look at the young people we meet around town every day: lots of them are wearing makeup and nail polish, which would, sadly, have been unthinkable until recently. Of course, the popularity of people like Fedez or Damiano, Thomas and Ethan has helped the trend grow, and there are tons of tutorials about makeup for men on social media. 

Where do you get your inspiration when doing the makeup for Måneskin?

The creative process is very spontaneous: I often take cues from the outfits for the look that will best express the personality of each member of the group, keeping in mind their personal tastes and the need to make an impact in pictures and videos. The band itself is my inspiration, and the looks that I think work on them.

You've worked with lots of other top artists, including Levante and contestants on X-Factor. What are the main differences, if there are any, between makeup for men and for women?

The differences are few but significant. Skin type, for example: men have skin that is thicker with lots of collagen, which means lighter, matte textures work better. Personally, I advise against mascara for men's makeup, because it limits the natural intensity of the male gaze. I'm also not particularly fond of lipstick for men, it's too difficult to use for everyday makeup. The only exceptions are gloss and black lipstick, but those only work as part of a very strong, theatrical look. 

Is there a makeup product that you believe is a “must-have” and should be part of every beauty kit for both men and women?

A black eyeliner pencil that offers a perfect, durable look, it helps focus attention on the gaze, and powder to help hide imperfections.

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